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5 Tibetan Exercises That Work All The Muscles In 10 Minutes


There are countless exercise programs, but one of the most effective is the set called “The 5th Pearl of Tibet”. This old method not only works all the muscles, but also normalizes body activities.

1. Exercise

Stand upright and stretch your arms sideways at shoulder level. Maintain this position throughout the movement.
Turn around yourself clockwise until you feel a slight dizziness. In the beginning, you may feel dizzy after 3 to 6 times.

2. Exercise

Lie on your back, stretch your arms flat on the ground on both sides and exhale.
Breathe slowly and raise your head and legs at the same time. Try to keep your shoulders and hips on the ground and do not bend your knees. Slowly exhale and return to the starting position.

3. Exercise

Stand on your knees with your legs parallel to each other and your knees at hips. Have your palms on both sides of your arms with your hips facing. Tilt your head forward, touching your chin with your chin. Exhale.
Breathe slowly and deeply, throw your head back and lean back. try to push your chest as far forward as possible, your hands slightly rest on the hips. Return to the starting position while exhaling.

4. Exercise

Sit on the ground with your back straight, stretching your legs forward. Your feet should be open at shoulder width, and your hands should be on the floor with your fingers parallel to your body. Inhale and tilt your head towards your chest.
As you breathe, push your head back as far as possible and lift your torso. You need to find yourself in a horizontal position, your arms upright and your legs bent at the knee. Try to stay in this position for a few seconds and stretch all the muscles. Then breathe back into the sitting position.

5. Exercise

Go to a slightly inclined push-up position. Let your feet be wider than the shoulder. Don't let your knees touch the ground. Throw your head back and exhale.
Now breathe, raise your hips and create a triangle with your body, push your chin towards your chest. Try to keep your arms and arms straight as if they were a single line and create a triangle without bending your knees. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement by creating the triangle while exhaling and moving to the inclined push-up position while exhaling.

Rules to be observed
Being regular is the most important condition. Do these exercises every day. You can increase the need of the sets according to the plan to see more.

Week 1 - repeat each exercise 3 times
Week 2 - do 5 sets of each exercise
Week 3 - do 7 sets of each exercise
Up to week 10 and up to 21 sets

If you skip doing it one day, it will be good to return to the plan of the previous week.
1. The best time to do the exercises is in the morning.
2. Do not strain too much muscles. If you have trouble making it, reduce the number of sets. As you get used to the movements, you increase it again.
3. Check your breath: breathe evenly through your nose.
4. When you make too many sets, take a break from time to time: stand upright, put your hands on your waist, exhale deeply several times.
5. After all sets are finished, rest - lie down and relax.

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